Today in History - 1066
I write these over on my xanga blog, but this one seemed particularly relevant to post over here.
Last year, my Brit Lit teacher informed my class that you can't possible love British Literature and not know what the 28th of September commemorates.

Here are several interesting links to learn more:
Wikipedia on the Norman Conquest
The Effect of the Norman Conquest on the English Language
And, of course, there is the Bayeaux tapestry! You can find several fascinating books on the tapestry, like Andrew Bridgeford's Hidden History in the Bayeux Tapestry. But there are also a huge amount of websites, like this one.
1066 was also the year of Halley's Comet and it made an appearance in the tapestry mentioned above:

That is, "These men wonder at the star."
It was seen as a good omen for William, but a bad omen for Harold II who died at the Battle of Hastings.
Labels: today in history